Frequently Asked Questions
Video Answers to Frequently Asked Questions!
There are many ideas for businesses but very few that are well thought out and organized with sufficient experience and capital. That is why so many new businesses fail. Lenders know this and want detailed information about every aspect of a business that can protect them from a failed business and a defaulted loan.
There is no set size or number of pages; however, there are certain areas that should be covered to present your business appropriately. has analyzed all aspects of business plans and has included all the areas you should need to satisfactorily complete your business plan.
Yes, try to place yourself in the lenders position and think of which areas of a business would concern you. Here are the areas: experience and success record of the principals in doing the same type of business, financial stability of the principals involved, cash available to the business, portion of business capital as assets of the business that have been invested by the principals, marketability of the product or service, detailed evaluation of competition as to product or service as well as to the relative market in their location, break even analysis detailing what it is going to take for the business to pass expenses and reach profitability.
Customer service at is available by phone or email seven days a week. Unless you have very extensive questions and a very large business with very complex issues, we are happy to assist you in completing your business plan in a manner sufficient to accomplish your objective.
You will need access to the Internet and knowledge about your business. Don’t worry, we will provide the questions; you only need to give the answers. Of course, the more attention and effort you put into your answers, the better your business plan will be.
It may take an hour or three to four hours. The greater mastery you have of the details of your business the easier it will be. If you find yourself stuck on something, go to the rest of the topics and then back to the ones you found difficult. If you are still puzzled, please give us a call or email us.